ChatGPT Plus代升级 OpenAI API代充值

OpenAI API充值报错Your card was declined怎么办

OpenAI API key

今天在充值OpenAI API余额时,已经绑定好信用卡了,但是支付时一直报错Your card was declined(您的信用卡被拒绝了),一开始以为是临时错误,结果等了几个小时还是无法支付成功,本文就分享下这个问题的原因和解决方法。

一、OpenAI Your card was declined问题描述

在OpenAI platform,已经成功绑定了国外信用卡,看信用卡的交易记录也有一个0美元的预扣费验证,但是在充值API余额时,一直报错Your card was declined(您的信用卡被拒绝了),过了几个小时再试还是同样的错误,无法充值成功,如下图:

OpenAI API Your card was declined

二、OpenAI Your card was declined问题原因

一开始ChatGPT中文网以为这只是一个临时错误,因为之前在代充值OpenAI API余额时也遇到过,OpenAI或者银行在维护时就可能报这个错误,一般等1-2小时就好了,但是这次等了大半天都没有好,于是ChatGPT中文网先联系了银行那边,银行反馈说没有维护,所有交易都是正常的;之后又给OpenAI客服留言,OpenAI是直接通过机器人回复的,内容如下:

Hi there, Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the issue you’re experiencing with adding funds to your OpenAI account. I understand how frustrating it can be when a transaction doesn’t go through as expected. Upon reviewing your account details for the email ****, I see that the last failed charge attempt for the API was on April 24, 2024, at 6:06 AM UTC. The reason provided for the failure was not specific, indicating that we don’t have detailed information on why the transaction was declined and suggesting that we can’t resolve the issue directly from our end. Given that you’ve already contacted your bank and they’ve confirmed no payment requests were rejected on their end, it seems the issue might not be with your bank directly. However, there are a few common reasons why a credit card might be declined on our platform, including: Security Limits: Sometimes, for security reasons, we limit the number of subscriptions that can be billed to a given payment method. If you’re trying to make multiple purchases or subscriptions, this could be a factor (Why was my credit card declined?). Pre-paid or Gift Cards: We do not support pre-paid cards or gift cards. If your card falls into this category, it would not be accepted (Why was my credit card declined?). Incorrect Card Details: Double-checking your card details, including the billing address and zip code, can sometimes resolve the issue. Incorrect information can lead to declined transactions (Why was my credit card declined?). Browser Issues: Clearing your browser’s cache and cookies and then retrying the transaction can sometimes help if the issue is related to your browser (Why did my ChatGPT Plus renewal transaction fail?). Since the specific reason for the decline isn’t clear from our end, and given that you’ve already checked with your bank, I recommend trying an alternate payment method if available. Additionally, ensuring that all card details are entered correctly and attempting the transaction again after clearing your browser’s cache could potentially resolve the issue. If you continue to face difficulties or if there’s anything else we can assist you with, please don’t hesitate to reach out


您好,感谢您就您在向 OpenAI 账户添加资金时遇到的问题与我们联系。我理解当一笔交易未如预期般进行时可能会感到沮丧。经过查看您的账户详情,发现您使用的邮箱是****,在 API 方面最后一次失败的扣款尝试是在 2024 年 4 月 24 日,UTC 时间上午 6:06。失败的原因并不具体,表明我们没有关于交易被拒绝的详细信息,也暗示我们无法直接从我们这一端解决问题。鉴于您已经联系过您的银行并且他们确认他们那边没有拒绝任何付款请求,似乎问题可能不是直接与您的银行有关。然而,有几个常见的原因可能导致我们平台上的信用卡被拒绝,包括:

  • 安全限制:有时出于安全考虑,我们会限制可以向给定支付方式收费的订阅数量。如果您试图进行多次购买或订阅,这可能是一个因素(为什么我的信用卡被拒绝?)。
  • 预付卡或礼品卡:我们不支持预付卡或礼品卡。如果您的卡属于此类别,它将不被接受(为什么我的信用卡被拒绝?)。
  • 卡片信息错误:仔细检查您的卡片详细信息,包括账单地址和邮政编码,有时可以解决问题。错误的信息可能导致交易被拒绝(为什么我的信用卡被拒绝?)。
  • 浏览器问题:清除浏览器的缓存和 cookie,然后重新尝试交易,有时可以帮助解决浏览器相关的问题(为什么我的 ChatGPT Plus 续订交易失败?)。 由于我们这一端拒绝的具体原因不清楚,而且您已经与您的银行核实过,我建议如果有其他支付方式可用,尝试另一种支付方式。此外,请确保所有卡片详细信息都输入正确,并在清除浏览器缓存后再次尝试交易,这可能有助于解决问题。如果您继续遇到困难,或者有任何其他我们可以帮助您的地方,请随时联系我们。


  • 请仔细检查您的卡片详细信息和账单地址。
  • 清除您浏览器的缓存和 cookie,然后重新尝试交易。
  • 通过查看我们支持国家的列表来确认您所在的位置是否受支持。
  • 联系您的银行以确保您的账户有足够的资金,并且他们那边没有任何问题。

但是问题都没有得到解决。后来换了一张新的信用卡尝试支付,同样的账号、同样的网络环境,直接支付成功,所以这次OpenAI Your card was declined的原因大概率是信用卡被OpenAI/stripe拉黑了。

2024年5月10日更新:基本可以确定就是信用卡卡段被拉黑了:《OpenAI API信用卡支付报错Your card was declined的原因和解决方法

三、OpenAI Your card was declined解决方法

如果你在充值OpenAI API时也遇到了这个Your card was declined的错误,可以尝试换一张信用卡支付。需要注意的是,这次无法充值的错误提示虽然也是Your card was declined,但是跟之前分享的《OpenAI充值提示Your card was declined, please try the payment again and contact your card issuer if the declines persist》不一样,之前那个一般是银行方拒绝了你的交易,而这次是OpenAI直接拒绝了你的交易,也就是说这个交易都没有到银行那边。






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